Accomodation in Sweden
Is it easy to find accommodation in Sweden?
Where and how to look for student accommodation?
Can you rent an apartment in Sweden while you are still in your country?
How long does it take to obtain accommodation?
What awaits you if you do not have accommodation and you already have to leave?
What deadlines do you have to meet and how to protect yourself from fraud?
Finding accommodation in Sweden, whether student or not, is not one of the easiest processes you will have to deal with if you decide to study here. If your consultant has reassured you that everything will be fine and that you should not think about it from the beginning, we would advise you the exact opposite! In no case do not wait to be accepted and only then remember that you do not yet have a room or apartment in your city in Sweden.
Unfortunately, like other Scandinavian countries, in Sweden the universities do not have their own student dormitories or if so, then their number is extremely low. Usually, if the university can assist with the accommodation of its students, then with great priority are those who come from the other side of the planet (most often Asia and America), as well as students who come for exchange under the Erasmus program, for one or two semesters. If this is not the case for you (and most likely it will not be), then it is important not to wait, but to do everything necessary before you have submitted your documents for your bachelor’s or master’s degree in Sweden.
Prices – big versus small town
You probably already know that the standard of living in Sweden is one of the highest not only in Europe but in the whole world. The high salary you will receive goes hand in hand with higher costs, both for food and for your accommodation. The final amount can vary a lot from city to city and accommodation to accommodation. If you are heading to the capital Stockholm, then the situation is the most serious, both in terms of finding and in terms of funding. If we exclude Stockholm, you should prepare between 500-600 euros per month. Again, this price will vary depending on the type of accommodation you want to rent, the location and the size.
Finding accommodation in smaller cities is much easier than in larger ones. Not only that, but the rent in Stockholm or some of the other big cities will be much higher than in Jönköping, for example.
Types of accommodation
One of the most common types of student accommodation in Sweden is the so-called corridor rooms. These are usually private rooms or even whole one-bedroom apartments, separated by a long corridor (usually 10-15 in number). Here you will be able to share with your other neighbors a large kitchen and a living room where you can socialize and make friends with everybody. Usually, these rooms are fully equipped with everything you need to cook anything – from a stove, microwave and fryer, to all utensils, spices and you name it… Depending on the type of room, you can have your own small kitchen if you would prefer to be completely independent. We highly recommend this type of accommodation, because the balance between personal space and the opportunity to socialize with the locals is something that no other accommodation offers. Not to mention the prices – this is just the perfect option. If in one way or another you manage to qualify (and we will show you how) for a corridor room, do not hesitate – sign the contract, pay and forget about everything else. This is the beginning you want to have in Sweden.
Student apartments
Another option that students in Sweden take advantage of is the shared apartments. There are many options here, but most often we are talking about one-bedroom or four-bedroom apartments – respectively shared by 2 or 4 (or more) students, each with their own room. Of course, it is possible to share your room with someone else, but we personally do not recommend this option, because everyone needs their own personal space. It’s always good to know that you can always be alone with yourself, whether for watching a movie, talking to your parents / friends, studying, or just going to bed and sleeping in the middle of the day.
You should expect that in these apartments you will share common areas such as a kitchen, bathroom and usually a living room.
Another option for student accommodation in Sweden is the private apartment. As long as you can afford it (or manage to qualify for it), this option, like the corridor room, is also very good in terms of order and tranquility. This way you will always be sure that if there are dishes in the sink, then the one who has not washed them is just you.
Different types of contracts
In Sweden, as in any other country, the accommodation has its own specifics. Here you can rent accommodation directly from the owner, but you can also rent a rented room / apartment. If the accommodation is of the second type, then you usually have a maximum one-year contract. As we said, there are many variations, and most often you will be offered a six-month contract with an option for another six. This may not be the ideal option for you, but you will quickly see that it is better to have a short-term contract than not have ANY! Over time, you will surely find the right accommodation for your needs.
You should know that if you want to rent a home (not a student type) at a lower price, you should register in the relevant portals of the agencies involved in the activity. Unfortunately, the waiting lists are quite long and this usually means waiting for years until you get the accommodation you want at a preferential price. Of course, if you see your life in the long run in Sweden, then this is the ideal investment, unless you have the opportunity to directly buy the apartment or house you dream of.
Why is it so difficult to find accommodation in the bigger cities in Sweden?
Here the answer is short, precise and clear – the need for accommodation is greater than their availability… This is especially true for larger cities such as Stockholm, Malmö, Lund and Gothenburg. If you are wondering why there is no emphasis on construction of new buildings in these cities, there is, but the pace at which it is being built still cannot keep up with the ever-increasing population. Sweden is an extremely attractive country to live in due to its high standard, work-life balance, unique social policy, high quality healthcare and a lot more…
In reality, when someone takes the step to move to Sweden and properly plans their new life, they stay in the country permanently. Of course, we, as experts in everything related to the life and education in Sweden, will help you (as much as possible) with finding accommodation, whether in the heart of the city or just outside of it.
What to expect:
As already mentioned, the price of the student accommodation in Sweden can vary greatly. From 4000-5000 Swedish kronor per month for a single room to 8000-10000 Swedish kronor per month for a one-room apartment. If we are talking about a one-bedroom apartment, then it is good to provide an amount of about 13,000 – 15,000 Swedish kronor per month. These prices apply more to the capital Stockholm and in the city center, but it is possible to come across similar even if you are heading to Gothenburg or Malmö, for example. One thing is for sure, do not imagine that if you leave finding your accommodation for the last minute, it will appear magically from somewhere. Search for information, take an interest and be prepared from the beginning for your future life in Sweden, whether it will be in one of the larger cities or you will choose the quieter life of the smaller Swedish towns. Remember that we will be by your side to help you when you hit a rock.
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