Career coaching.
How to choose what to learn?

The choice of specialty in Sweden must be entirely YOURS!
The choice of higher education is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life. It determines your future professional career. Very often we do not know or are not completely sure which would be the right way. Don’t worry, we have a few suggestions for you that will help you take the right step both now and whenever you don’t know what to do.
To choose the right major for your higher education in Sweden, we suggest you pay attention to a few things before you start:
- Your interests – choose a discipline that you like, that you enjoy studying about. If you study something, which you are passionate about, preparing for exams and writing projects will be interesting and successful task. This means that you can easily complete your higher education in Sweden. Talk to your parents and older friends. However, make your decision based on your own desires, not theirs! After all, this is your education, your career and your life! You will be going to lectures, you will be THE ONE pulling allnighers in attempts to finish your projects on time, not your mother and father!
- Course content – many programs have impressive fancy names, but to make the right choice liking the title of the course is just not enough. Take a closer look at its description and curriculum on the website of the respective university. Usually, you should be able to find the list of subjects you will study and a precise description of the annual plan. After reading that you will know the requirements of teachers to students, what will be studied, the goals, etc. Pay attention to the city where the university is located. Make sure that you choose the most suitable lifestyle for youself (smaller or bigger city).
Career Orientation Course
In 2021 we developed a course so that we can help any student in 10th, 11th or 12th grade (or a confused university student learning something they clearly know is not suitable for them) who wants to get a clear idea of their future direction.
We are organizing this course because we ourselves were in your situation and for years we did not know what our true vocation was. We no longer have to waste years realizing that the education we have enrolled in is not for us, or worse, the work we do makes us unhappy and we do it unwillingly!
What is the career guidance course about?
The course is held in a group of 4 people. (Mostly for students in grades 10-12, but it’s suitable even for adults who want to change professions.)
8 astronomical hours, divided into 4 sessions, within 4 weeks – 2 hours per week.
Online in Zoom. In this way we save both time and give the opportunity to each student to get the answers he needs, no matter where they live.
The career guidance course is entirely focused on the individuality of each student. There are many innovative exercises, which help us imagine our future life much easier. The end result depends entirely on how committed we are and how much time we spend on the tasks!

What are some of the questions you will be able to answer during the course?
- What stage of our life are we in and what do we know about ourselves?
- How do we define our “True North” in order to move in the right direction?
- What do we believe in, what are some of our values that we are not ready to violate?
- How do we determine which are the most appropriate activities for ourselves?
- What do some of the most widely used tests around the world show about our strengths and character?
- How to make a decision and how to learn from the mistakes we will make in the next years of our lives?
Price: BGN 250 ( = 125 EUR)
In order to “find ourselves”, we must put in the necessary work and invest time. You can’t become a world champion in one day or in several hours, hard training and perseverance are required. Well, we will not train here at such a high level, but it is extremely important to be aware that the end result is the result of the efforts multiplied by the time we spend on each of the exercises. If you:
- you are ready to invest 8 hours of your life in one month;
- you are ready to ask yourself countless questions;
- you are ready to look for a new and new answer to each of these questions;
- you are ready to be honest with yourself about your desires and way of life;
- you are ready to take the first step towards your new life 2.0;
Yes, we will help you achieve optimal results! Because we focus on quality, not quantity, the group consists of only 4 people, which guarantees enough time for dialogue with each student!
You will go through a series of tasks, self-observations and assessments that will give you the clearest and most accurate idea of what you would really like to do. You will see your future and life in several different ways according to the interests you will find to be the right ones for you. The skills you will acquire will give you the structure to use in the future if you are at a crossroads and do not know what is the right solution in a given situation!

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