Master Degree in Sweden
Master degrees in English

Which are the universities in Sweden that offer master’s degrees?
There are exactly 31 universities in Sweden! They are divided into universities and university colleges. The main difference between the two is that universities focus on research and subjects dealing with just that, while the so-called university colleges rely on applied sciences. There are about 900 master’s programs taught entirely in English, lasting from one to two years. The most famous universities are Stockholm University, Malmö University, Jönköping University, University of Gothenburg. Of course, there are other no less famous and good universities in Sweden that allow students to obtain the desired master’s degree, which is completely free for EU citizens and is recognized worldwide.
Although the names of some of the Swedish universities will tell you absolutely nothing, this should not bother you. What is important is the knowledge and skills you will acquire during the one-year or two-year master’s degree for which you will be accepted, which is entirely up to you! Here you can see the other universities in Sweden and take a closer look at each of them.
It is an interesting fact that the Swedish universities can structure and build the courses and programs for the particular master’s degree the way they like. Students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge on more complex issues, as well as to focus on areas of their own interest, relying on practical activities, rather than just dry theory. Depending on the master’s degree you choose, you could work side by side with large companies in Sweden while you are still studying.

To what extent do you have to work hard to be accepted into a master’s program in Sweden?
Like the bachelor’s programs, the master’s degrees in Sweden are also highly preferred by foreigners. In the recent years, the Swedish universities have received master’s degree applications almost three times more than the number of the available places in their programs. This is due to the fact that Sweden is one of the world’s leaders in innovation in various fields. The country is even considered the most resilient country in the world, paying special attention to serious global issues. In addition, Sweden provides free tuition for all students from EU member countries. Because of the great competition, the academic level in the universities is quite high, which is a prerequisite for building outstanding skills later on applying it all in their professional careers.
Each university has different admission requirements in the respective master’s program. In order to be accepted into the desired master’s degree, it is important to have high marks from your bachelor’s degree, as well as a certificate determining your level in English, if you are applying for a master’s program in English. Another interesting fact is that Sweden ranks second to countries whose population speaks English fluently without it being their official language. You must also be able to demonstrate motivation for success in Sweden and a desire to improve the student environment at that university. Last but not least, you should mention your professional experience in the field, if you have one.
Your profile should be comprehensive and we will help you present yourself in the best way, as long as you contact us in good time!
Does my bachelor’s degree meet the requirements for the master’s degree I have chosen?
Unfortunately, not all universities have a detailed description of the requirements you must meet in order to be accepted into that given master’s program in Sweden. This is a huge problem for any student. The good news is that some universities are able to review your diploma and other documents before you submit them. For this purpose, however, you must meet the deadlines specified by them. In most universities you will also be asked for the Course Description document, which unfortunately, your university may not want to issue. Be prepared for reactions such as: “What is this document? It’s the first time we’ve heard of it.” We will, of course, help you with guidelines for its preparation. Just contact us.


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